` Last time, we saw Gourdy's confrontation of the super-fruit character, Nights. Will Gourdy prove to be more fruity than the fruitmeister? Or will he go down in flames? (Or will he go out with a flamer?) The (excuse for a) story continues here: (Click to enlarge.)
` Who is this 'Gourdy', anyway? Is he MIR-ly a Space Filler? We're about to see:
` That's right, Nights' evil counterpart, Reala, was Gourdy all along! (Because I said so. Now go along with it!)
` And now we have an intermission of sorts, where I demonstrate the fact that Nights has no neck, as well as decide to split Gourdy into two different entities somehow. (I also demonstrate the fact that there are two different versions of Nights, and one is jealous of the other for possessing fingers.)` As far as I can tell, 'Gourdy 1' goes on to find a new look for Nights while 'Gourdy 2' turns into Shadow from one of those Sonic the Hedgehog games and assumes the role of 'Brain' from Pinky and the Brain. (I guess that makes this 'Trinky and the Shadow'?)
` Eventually, we find that because Nights' head has no tangible way of being connected to his body and because Gourdy 2 (Reala) has taken over the world, I show new levels of ...creativity in deciding the next plot twist.
` ...Or yeah, maybe I was just falling asleep at the time. Which is why, of course, it gets even stranger.
` Um. What the hell....?
` I suspect that Brak and Zorak enter the story because I was watching The Brak Show at the time. Note: The comic strips are actually remakes of Foxtrot comics, precisely because I think the strip needs much improvement (especially in the art area).
` I'm not entirely sure if any of that makes much sense, considering that both Gourdy and Plarg were in some way merged with Reala, and Gourdy was temporarily merged with Nights. Maybe it's characteristic of their species to not have distinct boundaries between individuals....` My only logical guess is that Gourdy once took over Plarg as Reala but doesn't remember. (He doesn't remember a lot of things.) And now they are having Yurk-intercourse. Uh.` Well, it's not like I thought any of this out. In fact, I think the whole thing may hint at the fact that I was falling asleep and this was all a dream. Finally, we get to the last page. (The opposing page is this one.)
` Uh... so if anyone can make heads or tails out of the plot of this sequence, please email me.
` Oh, and for your information, I did look up some information on Nights... it turns out that he isn't gay, or even effemenite, he's just androgynous. So he is really an 'it'. If anyone even distantly cares, this is where I got that information.
` And now, I must go, as I am meeting someone at the YMCA. Bye!
Weird! The website went down for a few minutes there, and it erased my comment!
I was just agreeing that since there is a lot of writing in this post, I can barely follow it, but I made some kind of joke along the way that I forget now.
Please do find a way to upload full-sized versions of your drawings!
Darn PhotoBuckets! Who do they think they are, shrinking photos without telling people?
Hooray for full size drawings! It's even weirder than my weirdest dreams! It's hard to read though, is this an accurate translation?
N: I'm afraid to ask, but since it's pretty much inevitable on this sinking ship of a storyline, please indulge me.
R: We must implode ourselves to keep our molecules from dispersing throughout the multiverse.
N: Damn! So I guess we both lose!
Classic. But parts were hard to make out without adjusting the contrast. Other than that, I think it's really great and possibly more confusing than ever!
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