Tuesday, April 14, 2009

In-Class still-lifes year 2000

Looks like this post has been scheduled two months too far into the future, so that it did not come after my previous posts about the art class I took in 2000. Hence, the large gap in timing of the posts.

So, let's get to it: These still-lifes, unlike the ones in the (supposed to be) last post were done at home, these were done in the actual classroom. Back in 2000.
So I was like 18 or something.

But, before we got to draw anything interesting, we had to do the Styrofoam ball!


And don't forget the cones and cylinders!


Next, we moved onto actual textures. I was so happy to get a seat by the shiny ducky.


I remember being really pissed off because so many people had smeared this one all to heck, and I could only re-draw the parts that were shiny, while the other textures I wasn't so able to re-capture.

I also had - and still have - a stuffed toy pelican wearing a beret named Pierre, a.k.a. 'Pel'. Or, if I was drooling on my shirt, 'Peppykins', as I've had him since I was two. And then I sent him off to an alien planet... the Tri-C classroom!


If it looks wrong to you, tilt your head to the left. Even so, it may still not look right. And strangely, I think the photo looks better because it came out a little blurry. Weird how that works.

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