Thursday, May 15, 2008

A Trip To OSU, 2001

Oh goodness yes, I feel old now! Look, it's my former roommate Phil's college roommate, Joe! (And a "Braktaur"!) I wonder what Joe is up to now?

heyjoeyjoejoe This is actually one of the hallway columns in Orton Hall, which has lots of hominid skulls, not to mention the bunny and the doggy!

gourdycolumns There's also one of these things.

megalonyxskylight Yes, that's a Megalonyx jeffersoni, a huge ground sloth, and behind it is a Tyrannosaurus rex skull.

There was this one guy who was showing people around and he pointed in the door and said there was a dinosaur in there.

"Oh yeah," I said, "there's a Tyrannosaurus skull in there." but no, he actually meant the giant mammal in front. I'm sorry, but since when are sloths dinosaurs?

Orton Hall also has gargoyles! Have you seen them? (Fantastic photo!) They're meant to be real fossil animals. Somehow, I still managed to portray them as anthropomorphic wrestlers.

ortonhallgargoylewrestlers Wow, look at the date on that. It was still September, 2001! And what was it with me always adding little vignettes of my Katie cat later on?

ortonhallgargoyles The fountains at Mirror Lake!

mirrorlake And then, there was this....

crazy Whoa-kay! Back to Mirror lake... at the time it was densely populated by goldfish and a mixed flock of ducks, including two pairs of wood ducks (the wood duck says "Svzzz!"). Occasionally, the pond was also inhabited by... dogs!

You might want to click on this one to actually see it properly:

dogandducks And the winner was... the ducks! Because they're built for swimming!

Last but not least, this is Browning amphitheater, where we sometimes ate.

browning Ugh. A bit grotesquely enlarged for its detail, no? That's supposed to be Phil and Joe, but it doesn't really look like them.

More sketches in a few days!


Monique said...

I very patiently waited for all the pictures to appear whilst reading the comments under or above them. Got more and more curious and guess what? I never saw the pictures. I will come back another time and let you know if I was successful that time.

Anonymous said...

I especially liked the gargoyle fossil animal wrestlers. Somehow, that just seems like the type of thing you'd come up with -- my cousin Frank, too. Weird, wonderful stuff as always!

Unknown said...

2001? I am amazed that you still have the drawings! I wouldn’t.

Monique said...

Guess what!! I saw them and they are great!

Middle Ditch 14 is now online. Enjoy