Sunday, May 4, 2008

Back to The 'Little Sketchbook'

This post was originally made February 28. Why I did not remember that I had completed it before is a mystery, and unfortunate because I could have had it up long ago. Anyway, here it is:

It's been a while since I've posted a photo from the 'Little Sketchbook' (S.E.E. Hazel's Freehand Art) - all such posts are listed and summarized here - it's worth a look!

Young though I was when I started the book, it stayed with me a long time. The stretch being presented took place in 2001 (after going through years of turmoil) when I was only 19....

This guy I was with (but didn't like to kiss) Phil, had some cats. This was Alfie:

alfie He died.

And then there was Sweetheart. (If you click on it, you can better read that must amusing little piece of information about the habits of this cat that you might be better off not knowing, but really, you know you want to!)

sweetie She died too.

As for Phil (who is not dead)...

elfman ...Did not yet even have a beard. He was an Elf Man!

sweetiehead Sweetie again.

sweetheart Not to be all morbid, but this drawing contains Sweetie (top), my Katie Girl (left), what appears to be Katie's sister, Ashlie - who baffles me by still being alive today - and Evil the Bunny (who is somehow second cousin to Evil the Cat).

It says: "Sweetie has ruptured her stomach and died. Why did she have to do that?" Cheery. And if you'd like to see more of these sketchbook images soon (hopefully not ones as morbid as this), you're in luck; you won't have to rely on my faulty schedule and memory!

That's right! Since the 'schedule posts ahead of time' function has appeared on my blog controls, I can now put the rest of my completed sketchbook posts on a timer to make sure they get published in a timely manner, unlike this one!


Anonymous said...

Yay for more art posts! Also, I think Sweetie is a great name for such a bloodthirsty cat!

Kingcover said...

The second last drawing is very good! In it you have captured very well the relationship between domestic cats and wild 'big cats'. The pose in which you drew it reminds me of one of the smaller wilder cats like a puma.
Would you say your drawing style has changed any over the years?

Spoony Quine said...

` Isn't it though, Galtron?

` Indeed, Gareth, my drawing style is a little different now that my brain works better and can consolidate more information.
` The result is that I do not have to draw things so literally and can use my imagination without making a drawing look as 'cartoony'.