Wednesday, December 26, 2007

Super Artist At Age 3.... (What? It's fake? Aw, man...)

` I had photographed my oil paintings and was going to put them up here, but then I wound up surfing videos at and found a one of the most incredible things I've seen in a while! Zach will amaze you with his well-developed style and the amount of realism he can convey with fingerpaints - at age three!

` Next-Day Update: I've viewed the video a third time, this time not while falling asleep, and I do see that it's definitely a trick - especially since Galtron pointed out some things for me in the comments section. It's actually an advertisement with the advertisement cut out. (Not very effective, is it?)

` That explains why, when searching the web for a kid named Zach who can fingerpaint, I found other kids, but not him. But now, if I search for 'turtlekids', I find not only Zach but other kids doing unbelievable Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle-related things.
` So now that my brain is going fast enough to spot editing tricks, I've decided that this video's status has gone from 'could be fake but doesn't look like it' to 'looks very fake'! I guess it's all about how much you're aware of what you're seeing as well as aware of what you're not seeing.
` Note to self: Do not look at internet videos when not very aware of anything.

` Anyway, next time I come back here, I promise I'll have my paintings up.

` ...Stop watching the damn videos, okay? You'll wind up going insane and cutting off an ear!


Unknown said...

Zack truly is amazing! Thanks for the video.

Spoony Quine said...

` He is something, isn't he? Man! At that age, I was only just getting the hang of linear perspective!

Edward C. Foster said...

That kid didn't paint that, it's nothing more Parlor Tricks.

Anonymous said...

He's right! It's just an advertisement for Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, but the website URL has been clipped off.
It's nothing but clever video edits. And then at the end, look at how smooth the paper is! That's not even a fingerpainting, it's a print!

Looks like the skeptic has been duped again!

Personally, I'm much more impressed by the three-year-old who solves a Rubic's cube in 144 seconds!

Spoony Quine said...

` Blaaaaaargh! You're right! I take it all back!!