Wednesday, August 29, 2007

Vada and Violet, take two

` UPDATE: September 7 - I finally did it! Now back to the regularly-scheduled art posts I had in store all this time....

` I have no idea why this image is blue, but here ya go.

` Contrast and compare with the previous post!

` I was originally going to link this to my next 'poor little lost aliens' post, but I keep putting other things in its place. First, I documented my experience as a necrophilia victim, then has an almost-Slaverian guard!
` I promise the next Science and Wackmobiles post will have more 'kittans' - it's been pretty much finished and waiting for an opening!


Anonymous said...

I like the blueness, actually.

Unknown said...

It is different. I love the kitten expressions you captured.

When blogging (or even addressing groups in person) about something as delicate as abuse, I’ve noticed that folks do not want to make public comments, even anonymously. That doesn’t mean that folks have not heard who you said or wrote—or that it has not impacted them.

Spoony Quine said...

` Hmmmm. It's kinda frustrating not knowing whether or not anyone's seen what you've written. But, I wouldn't post stuff if I didn't think it might help someone.

Unknown said...

Do have have a hit counter? I don't remember seeing one on any of your blogs. With a hit counter you can obtain feedback in the form of the number of folks who visit even if they don't leave comments.

Spoony Quine said...

` I used to, but it disappeared when I switched to Beta. After that I said 'screw it'.

Edward C. Foster said...

Two-headed cats are just scary!


Your Pal, David Hoskins said...

Are you a girl or boy?

Spoony Quine said...

` Dave, do you really need to ask?

` Oh, and Ed; glad I could potentially frighten you!

Charles said...

If its any indicator (considering the source, my blog) about 80% of readers don't comment.

Spoony Quine said...

` Whoa.

` That must mean that Dan's Blah Blah Blog has upwards of a thousand visitors each day!
` Now that's readership right there!

david santos said...

Thanks for posting, SEE Quine!
Very nice.
Have a good day

I go to be with the Greek people, and you?

Spoony Quine said...

` I go to my home planet of GrZydlr!