Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Me and Inanimate Objects, Year 2000

Once again in the art class I took in Cleveland nine years ago we got assigned to draw many inanimate objects. Upon doing a study of an egg carton, I became angry at the eggs for insulting my drawing of them, so I stabbed them all to death.

Luckily for us all, they were already dead.

And then I got better at letting my subjects stay intact long enough to draw a decent picture of them. This is what happens when I put together an apple, a lemon and a banana....

It's looking at me!!

Saving the best for last... my mom's dining room table (in the crappy dining room I grew up with), the evening when my mom invited her friend Rosie over for homemade soup!

"Holy sh**", right? When I first pulled this drawing out of the portfolio, I thought to myself, "Oh my lanta, I completely forgot I did this way back when!" So, for the record, I remember now!


Middle Ditch said...

You have so many talents. You are so very clever at what you are doing. What more can I say that I have not said before?

How was the court case with your crazy land lady?

Kingcover said...

That fruit picture looks like a smiling face. I like that idea :-)

Spoony Quine said...

Middle Ditch... oh, it got thrown out. The crazy landlady claimed that Lou Ryan had threatened her with karate and punched a hole in her wall, and that her boyfriend was harassed by B-Gangsta while driving past the house (when in real life he was giving him a ride home and no such thing happened), etc. etc.
` She's nuts. The judge just said for her to leave us alone, stop breaking her restraining order, etc.

Gareth, to tell you the truth, it was totally unintentional and I wouldn't have ever noticed unless someone had pointed it out.
` The arrangement was simply the only way I could think of to make all three fruits visible at the same time while making the best use of the available light.
` I never would have known about it if it weren't for the fact that other people pointed it out in class. Feeling embarrassed, I tried to defend it. Either way, the composition was deemed 'uncreative' and earned me a lower grade than I might have gotten.